Responsible Gambling Accreditation

Responsible Gambling Accreditation Average ratng: 4,1/5 4898 reviews

NASPL-NCPG RGV (Responsible Gambling Verification) Program for Lottery Organizations Almost half the lotteries in the US have completed this program, which requires a letter of interest as the first step to be selected for the next round of assessments. ICAP is the Internet Responsible Gambling Compliance Assessment Program that verifies internet gambling sites against the NCPG Internet Responsible Gambling Standards (IRGS). NCPG developed the IRGS based on best practices in online responsible gaming from jurisdictions around the world. RGAB, the Responsible Gaming Accreditation Board. More information RGAB, the Responsible Gaming Accreditation Board, aims to minimise the impact of problem gambling by promoting a worldwide accreditation programme for the land based, remote and e-gambling industry, software providers and operators. The Responsible Gambling Council (RGC) is a respected, independent non-profit organization. We have been a leader in the prevention of problem gambling in Canada and globally for more than 35 years. We exist to ensure that gambling safeguards are in place, to promote the wellbeing of people and communities.

Responsible gambling accreditation definition

Highest Level Accreditation on Responsible Gambling

In 2018, HKJC has again been granted the highest level (Level 4) accreditation under the Responsible Gaming Framework of the World Lottery Association (WLA), for its efforts in promoting responsible gambling. It has been the third time since 2011 and 2015, that the Club has received the Level 4 accreditation.

World Lottery Association is the global professional association of lottery gaming organisations from over 80 countries. There are four levels of accreditation. To achieve the highest Level 4, operators must adopt the ten responsible gambling principles into their day-to-day operations and decision making. The ten principles cover responsible gambling research, employee training, retailer programme, game design, remote gambling channels operation, advertising and marking communications, player education, problem gambling treatment referral, stakeholder engagement and monintoring effectiveness of the responsible gambling measures.

Responsible Gambling – Best Employee Training Programme Award

In 2008, the Club was presented with one of the inaugural World Lottery Association Responsible Gaming Awards in the category of Best Employee Training Programme. The Responsible Gaming Awards have been established by WLA with the aim of recognising those practitioners who demonstrate the highest industry standards of responsible gaming, setting a role model for fellow practitioners, and promoting the importance of responsible gambling practices.

Responsible gambling accreditation requirements

To ensure that staff members at different levels fully understand the importance of responsible gambling, the Club highlights the responsible gambling policy in its comprehensive training programmes, including induction programmes for new hired employees and customised learning programmes for line departments. In 2006, the Club also commissioned a clinical psychologist and university associate professor to review and redesign its responsible gambling policy training programme.

As WLA members, our duties are not only to grow sales and returns to good causes but to facilitate responsible play. In 2006, the WLA adopted the Responsible Gaming Principles and a Responsible Gaming Framework aimed at protecting lottery players around the world. This effort and commitment ensures not only that our public is protected but also that the revenues are sustained for the public good. In this section you will find the Responsible Gaming Principles as well as all supporting documents for the Responsible Gaming Framework.


Doing the right thing for players and the broader community has made Corporate Social Responsibility, specifically the Responsible Gaming Principles and Framework, a priority for the World Lottery Association (WLA)

As state-controlled gaming operators, WLA members have always played a leadership role in addressing responsible gaming issues. In 2002, members asked the association to develop more specific requirements with respect to social responsibility in general and to responsible gaming in particular.

The response came in 2006 when the WLA formalized its practices in Corporate Social Responsibility by adopting Responsible Gaming Principles and a Responsible Gaming Framework aimed at protecting lottery players around the world.

This effort and commitment will ensure that our public is protected and revenues for the public good are sustained.

The Principles acknowledge that gaming operators play an important role in helping to prevent problem gambling, as do governments, regulators, treatment providers, researchers, community groups, and individuals who take part in games of chance.

Responsible Gambling Accreditation Requirements

By adopting the Principles, WLA members have 'committed their vigilance in making responsible gaming an integral part of their daily operations. This pledge of support includes the encouragement of research initiatives and striving to achieve an appropriate balance between revenue, entertainment and customer expectations.'

Responsible Gambling Accreditation Act

The seven Principles address areas of player protection, collaboration with other stakeholders, research, promotion, informed player choice, monitoring and reporting.